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The arch rivals meet again in the Super Four match in Dubai on Sunday. Jadeja, playing his first one-day international for over a year, was at his best after India sent Bangladesh into bat on a flat pitch. He only came into the squad as a replacement for all-rounder Hardik Pandya who was ruled out of the tournament with a back injury. Pacemen Bhuvneshwar Kumar (3-32) and Jasprit Bumrah (3-37) were also ruthless as Bangladeshi batting couldn't get going with tail-ender Mehidy Hasan top-scoring with a 50-ball 42 with two sixes and two boundaries.īangladesh, who were bowled out for a mere 119 against Afghanistan on Thursday, were once again off to a disastrous start during which they lost half the side for just 65 runs. Mushfiqur Rahman, who scored a brilliant hundred against Sri Lanka, managed 21 while star batsman Shakib Al Hasan failed yet again with 17.

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